
Tretinoin Retin-A Cream - 20g

  • Retin A
  • For Acne

Simply put, retinol, is just another name for vitamin A. Retinol is an extremely effective cell-communicating ingredient, which means it can literally connect to almost any skin cell and tell it to behave like a healthy, younger skin cell. But there's more:

Retinol is an antioxidant, and thus can interrupt the free-radical damage process that causes skin to look and act older. This action helps prevent wrinkling and increases collagen production.Retinol is effective at managing acne and eczema, as well as improving discolorations and wrinkles from sun damage.All of these benefits are why retinol helps your skin look and act younger! In total, retinol can help more than 100 skin issues. It is a true superstar for your skin!

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